It seems the kitchen counters were improperly measured by the computer (yep, when in doubt people like to blame technology). But as we all know its GIGO (garbage in garbage out, it's always human error, stupid). Anyway, the replacement counters were going to be delivered in a few days, so we thought, sure we can live with out a dishwasher and sink and counter for a day or two- no sweat we'll eat out a lot! Then today we get a call from Quint, it seems K & D cannot get the new counters in until Dec. 21st. Tom went ape-shit and got right into his old "dealing with vendors mode" (ah, those old management skills never die). The upshot is they are going to put in a sink with 6 feet of generic counter until ours can get done. So Mike and Rach- we can still host you and make meals and kids: don't worry, there will be sustenance and water. The counters BTW are gorgeous (a small section next to the stove was installed).
Here is the finished front.
Yes, there is a sea of mud. We will be buying tons of grass seed this spring. Hopefully, my Master Gardener training will kick in. I just completed my 60 hours volunteer work and got my official badge. But I digress...
Side (south) view.
I'd show you inside shots but since it is a mess with no furniture and, oh right,
NO FLIPPIN' COUNTERS!... what's the point? We move the storage stuff in tomorrow and on Tuesday Dec. 14, we move the apartment stuff. The Pod gets delivered on the 17th. Just in time for Christmas. Every time I will open a box up, it will seem like Santa brought me something. The saddest thing is I won't be able to make cookies or nutroll (the mind is willing but the body is weak).
Rear view.
See, I said there was a party deck. Sea of mud in back too.
Oh, the other crisis was placement of mailbox and existence of our address. It seems because we were a field of soy (not dreams) a few years ago, the post office says we do not exist (yet). I want to make some sort of existential comment here, but I just can't think of anything witty. Maybe Tom and I live in some sort of alt-verse, or in a hiccup in the space/time continuum. Yeah, I sort of like that explanation. We reached a compromise with mailbox placement by promising to build a small turnaround off the drive.
Once we get the place looking habitable, I will post pictures of the inside. It really does look good.
So Happy Hanukah, Merry Christmas, Krazy Kwanzaa and my favorite: a joyous Festivus (Dec. 23) to you all and to all a good night.
You DO exist! I just saw you the other night. Good luck on the move & hang in there.
House looks beautiful! Having built a new house, I can tell you that it will never be completely finished LOL.