Yep, we have another driveway from HELL. Just as I was crowing about how lovely and level our driveway was. I spoke too soon. The garage end of the house was way taller than the ground level, thus we have this. For those of you who hated the Signal Hill drive, well you are gonna just love this one. Bring your cleats and and crampons.
Tom near the site of future basement toilet.
This is the lower level (sounds better than basement). It will have a small family room, full bath and 2 small bedrooms, plus a small unfinished area for starting plants. No, do not think of the TV series "Weeds". We are starting vegetable plants for the farm. You can't smoke 'em. Note the huge retaining wall on the right. We will have to engineer someway to make the slope more gentle or part of the land will end up on our back patio. A full deck will go above the gravel area (16 x 32). Par-tay deck!
Looking from the garage floor over to front porch.
Uh, front porch is also very high up. May need a rail so Tom doesn't plunge off it when he goes out to get the mail. This will all make more sense after they start framing.
Site of future bobsled run?
See how the land really slopes down from the garage? Where the heck are we going to put the wood burning oven and grill? I could see poor Tom chasing after a runaway grill armed with only a spatula.
Actually that would be pretty funny.
What else? We have a kitchen bid we like. Hope this does get done by Thanksgiving. I have visions of trying to make dinner in our incredibly limited, cramped kitchen here. We have no room in the refrigerator so we would have to sit at the table and eat until everything was gone. Probably could only cook a 10 lb turkey too.
Wow, Kate just texted me that my Shenandoah Valley apple cake recipe is going to be on the menu at Bevier Hall at U of I. I feel like I have been "published".
Off we go now, talk at ya'all later. Haw Haw, I said "ya'all". Shall we call it Creeping Green Acres Syndrome?
just make sure when you buy mobility scooters that they are the super charged variety because the regular ones will not make it up that hill to the house and you certainly would not want to miss "wheel of fortune"......