Saturday, September 18, 2010

But wait there's more....

This week more stuff happened.
The walls were poured.
Here's what it looks like so far:
Tom bothers workmen
Actually Tom wanted so bad to write in the new concrete. Maybe when they pour the garage floor?

Front porch.
It doesn't look like much. But some day we'll be a settin' and a rockin'. Yep. You betcha! Opps, I didn't mean for that Palinism to creep in. I promise I will not shoot any moose or grizzly bears.

I never know what I am looking at. Maybe if they let me have a dollhouse mock up?

The new driveway from hell.
It's flat but when it snows did you think we were going to plow it?
350' long. Nope. We will just make sure we have a full pantry and wine
 rack, then we will see you when it thaws.
We have been discussing what to grow. When we went to the Goshen market here in Edwardsville, we were so disappointed. Everyone had the same vegetables. BORING!
And not that many heirloom varieties, which we would like to grow. What do some of you think?
We are also going to have someone till up the "farm" area in the front of the lot. If Tom were to try and do this with the rototiller it would take months. Soil looks pretty good. Mostly Loess. Kate will know what I am talking about :-) Meantime we have every weedy grass known to man. At least the land has sat fallow and herbicide/pesticide free for 3 years. If we go for the organic certification that is the first requirement.
Went to talk to a guy who does IKEA kitchens. Ivan something. Tom kept calling him Igor. Anyway, we went to his showroom, which turned out to be a room behind his mother's alteration business. Interesting. He is onto something, but us being old and set in our ways, felt it was as bit too experimental for us and too much customizing. I wish there was an IKEA here, that would be sweet.
Not much else to report. Tom is in the lazy ass phase of retirement, so never call us before 10 AM.
I am trying to get all my volunteer hours in for my Master Gardener certification (I need 60 ).
Emailing or calling me and asking what the heck is wrong with your tomatoes does not qualify.


  1. nice progress- thanksgiving for shure

  2. The Driveway from Hell will require a good pantry, wine & a sizable freezer, n'est-ce pas?
